In this section of India Study Solution, apart from study materials in the form of recap key-notes (prepared keeping in view of last day revisions) you get Biology test series (solved), practice questions with answers, fully solved previous years’ questions asked in various medical and dental joint entrance exams, MBBS admission tests.

In the slog months, when a prospective candidate is badly in need of best practice questions, test series to revise, strengthen and sharpen his/her memory, our Free study materials, practice papers - the answers, hints and solutions of practice test papers; online mock tests would provide much needed all round practice as per the latest entrance exam trends and test pattern.
Practice and prepare with the help of our FREE study materials feature to improve your performance in the Entrance Exams / Admission Tests. This will definitely give you a pointed headway to the overall preparation. Cheers !!
# Classification of Plants - Plant Kingdom
# Classification of Animals - Animal Kingdom
# Classification of Animals - Animal Kingdom
# Human Reproduction - Reproductive Health
# Breathing and Respiration (Exchange of Gases)
# Reproduction in Organisms
# Genetics and Evolution
# Plant Physiology: Transport in Plants, Mineral Nutrition
# Structural Organisation in Plants: Morphology and Anatomy of Flowering Plants
(Show will go on, please keep visiting ... Cheers!)
Good for practice
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