Apart from ranking of top Govt Medical Colleges, we will provide in this post some very important data such as minimum NEET cut off-score 2022 for MBBS admission in these top Public Medical Colleges (Govt. Medical Institutions) in India, total and yearly MBBS course fees, number of MBBS seats available in these Government Medical colleges and more.
Also Read: Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced 2022 Results declared today
The ranking given here are as per the
latest data provided by NIRF (National Institutional Ranking Framework),
Ministry Education, Govt. of India.
The major difference between Government or Public Medical Colleges and Private Medical Institutions is that the Private Medical Colleges are much more expensive than the Govt Medical Colleges. This is because Government Medical Colleges in India are founded and funded by Government &/or Ministry of Education. Another big difference is that the Govt Medical Colleges do maintain a certain minimum standard for their faculty members and follow some fixed rules and regulations which you won't find in many Private Medical Institutions. However, this article is not to discuss the differences between Private and Government Medical Institutions for which, we will definitely bring a separate post. Nevertheless, according to our view government medical colleges are the best and so, if you can obtain admission in Government Medical Colleges after clearing NEET Exam it is better. Given below are the best and some top ranked Govt Medical Institutions in India presented according to their RANKING:
1. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi

NEET Cut-off Score: For unreserved candidates 98.83; for SC/ST candidates 97.01; for OBC candidates 93.65.
Number of MBBS Seats in
AIIMS, New Delhi: 107.
MBBS Course Fee: ₹13720 (Hostel & other expenses
not included).
2. Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh

NEET Cut-off Score: 82.62.
Number of MBBS Seats in PGIMER,
Chandigarh: 92.
MBBS Course Fee: ₹ (Hostel & other expenses not
3. Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC), New Delhi
Maulana Azad Medical College, shortly
referred to as MAMC, was established in 1959 under the University of Delhi is
another Govt Medical College coveted by medical aspirants. The college offers
excellent faculty and ambience at a very negligible cost.

Number of MBBS Seats in MAMC,
New Delhi: 250.
MBBS Course Fee: ₹24450 (Hostel & other expenses
not included).
4. Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC), Pune

Number of MBBS Seats in AFMC,
Pune: 150.
MBBS Course Fee: ₹31870 per year (In this major amount
is refundable).
5. Jawaharlal Institute of PG Medical Education and
Research (JIPMER), Puducherry

Number of MBBS Seats in JIPMER,
Puducherry: 249.
MBBS Course Fee: ₹34290 (Hostel & other expenses
not included).
6. University College of Medical Sciences (UCMS), Delhi

Number of MBBS Seats in : 170.
MBBS Course Fee: ₹30872 (Hostel & other expenses
not included).
7. King George’s Medical University (KGMU), Lucknow
NEET Cut-off Score: For General unreserved candidates minimum 65 percentile; for SC/ST/OBC candidates 45th percentile.
MBBS Course Fee: ₹55000 per year (Hostel & other
expenses not included).
8. Institute of Medical Sciences (IMS), BHU, Varanasi
As per the latest NIRF Ranking 2022,
Banaras Hindu University (BHU) ranks 6th among the top universities in India.
The Institute of Medical Sciences established in 1960, is one of the six
institutes of Banaras Hindu University in Varanasi, India and comprises three
faculties, Faculty of Medicine, Dental Sciences, and Ayurveda. IMS, BHU is considered
to be very good for studying Ayurveda. The postgraduate medical education,
started as in-service program in 1963 (3 years after establishment of Medical
College), took the form of a formal training program in 1971 after due
permission from the Visitor of the Banaras Hindu University i.e., the President
of India. This upgraded College of Medical Sciences to Institute of Medical
Sciences in 1971.

Further growth of postgraduate education continued with approval of DM and MCh courses in 10 super specialties in 1976. In 1978, the existing Faculty was bifurcated into the Faculty of Ayurveda and Faculty of Medicine to facilitate their independent growth. The Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU is attached to a 9th floor very big hospital (S.S. Hospital) apart from one 324 bedded Trauma Block including super specialty services.
NEET Cut-off Score: For unreserved candidates 50th
percentile; for SC/ST/OBC candidates 40th percentile.
Number of MBBS Seats in IMS,
BHU, Varanasi: 100.
MBBS Course Fee: ₹13410 per year (Hostel & other
expenses not included).
9. Madras Medical College, Chennai
Madras Medical College is a public
medical college located in Chennai, India. Established on 2 February 1835, it
is the third oldest medical college in India, established after Jawaharlal
Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research, and Calcutta
Medical College. The college and hospital are funded and managed by the State Government
of Tamil Nadu.
NEET Cut-off Score: For unreserved general candidates 50th
percentile (720 – 138); for OBC/SC/ST candidates 40th percentile
(140 – 108); for general PH candidates 45th percentile (137 – 125);
OBC/SC/ST – PH candidates 40th percentile (121 – 110).
Number of MBBS Seats in MMC,
Chennai: 250.
MBBS Course Fee: ₹6,80,000 (Hostel & other
expenses not included).
10. Lady Hardinge Medical College for Women (LHMC), New

NEET Cut-off Score 2022: For unreserved candidates 50th
percentile; for SC/ST/OBC candidates 45th percentile.
Number of MBBS Seats in LHMC: 240.
MBBS Course Fee: ₹745000 (Hostel & other expenses
not included).
11. Calcutta Medical College, Kolkata

NEET Cut-off Score: For unreserved candidates with 50th
percentile can apply; for SC/ST/OBC candidates around 45the percentile. Cut off
ranks in 2021 was for round 1 = 1147 and for round 2 = 1674.
Number of MBBS Seats in Kolkata
Medical College: 250.
MBBS Course Fee: ₹22500 (Hostel & other expenses
not included).
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